Atrios has a "things that make you go HUH?" post that puts our culture's racism into stark relief. So, why is it "looting" when black people do it and "finding" when white people do it?
In light of that, I can't help but think that Amanda at Pandagon's predictions of the upcoming media spin are probably dead on. I note that one of the commenters has some snotty things to say about the people who were too darn poorstupid to evacuate...fortunately other commenters take her to task with some of the bitter realities of the difficulties of that kind of mass evacuation, especially if you are poor.
Because natural disasters are so very funny...drug-addled Rush Limbaugh and fellow waste of oxygen, 101st Fighting Keyboarder Jonah Goldberg thought it would be hilarious to expand Katrina's name to Katrina vanden Heuvel after the Nation editor.
I happened to catch some Faux News talking heads on Monday, and all they could talk about was how much money the hurricane damage was going to cost insurance companies, how stocks would be affected, how much money the casinos might lose, and how much oil prices would rise. I mean...could you guys even PRETEND to care that people were going to die and that others would lose everything they owned-- just in time for the crippling new bankruptcy legislation? Maybe just for a day or two could you act concerned?
Oh, and this didn't take long-- as usual, when there's a natural disaster, it's all the fault of teh gay.
And then there's the Preznit. Now...for how many days did we all have an idea what was coming? OK, even if you wanted to be generous and say that Bush was trying not to be alarmist in the time leading up to the storm-- would not a strong leader, one who wanted to demonstrate his concern for his people (or at least, jeez, give his limp approval ratings a boost!) and his competence in a crisis situation, have had Air Force One gassed up and ready to go the moment the storm was past and the relief efforts began, in order to work hard to coordinate efforts? Would he not have cut his vacation short prior to the storm, or at least the moment it began, in order to fly back to Washington and be proactive about dealing with the crisis?
Instead, he breezily sails on with a schedule of speeches and photo ops, smiling and laughing like nothing is amiss, sharing cake, plucking a guitar, chatting with old folks about Medicare, and barely mentioning the hurricane at all-- until at last he grudgingly decides that he'll give up the last two days of his five week vacation and go back to DC to do some presidentin' (and wait, didn't he tell everyone he could work just as well from Crawford as DC? So which was the bullshit?) Apparently, we're supposed to be impressed.
So the big tough cowboy, who never met brush he couldn't clear, President Action Hero with his fake flight suits and "I'm down with the common man" attitudes, rather than setting up a headquarters near the Gulf Coast and maybe doing some hands-on work in between leading the charge on rescue and relief, instead peers timidly out from the posh interior of his plane at the damage as he flies over it, like a child peeking under the bed to check for monsters.
And let's not forget that the National Guard in those areas is crippled because so many of them have been shipped to Iraq, that the Coast Guard is crippled because Bush won't provide funds to update their woefully insufficient equipment, and that Bush thought that fortifying New Orleans against this kind of disaster was so unimportant that he wants to slash emergency preparedness funds to New Orleans for 2006.
How much clearer does he have to make it that he doesn't give a flying crap about the people of the United States, only about his little action-figure fantasy world?
For crying out loud, you incompetent, STOP DRAGGING YOUR HEELS AND GET TO WORK. It's our tax dollars you're wasting with your lollygagging, and your people's lives that are in danger. I know you think that you have to have enough rest and a balanced day and that you must be able to "get on with your life." But for once, just once, be a leader.
For once, be a man.
(Apparently, I'm not alone in my sentiments:
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