Sometimes, the system works and reasonable people do the right thing.
Darla Wynne, the Wiccan priestess who sued the town of Great Falls, SC when they refused to stop praying to Jesus at the start of public meetings, has won her lawsuit. The town has been ordered to pay $53k (reduced from the original $65k) for Ms. Wynne's legal fees, incurred when the town refused to accept the initial ruling against them and decided to go for the longer and more expensive fight. Kudos to Ms. Wynne, who has bravely refused to back down despite threats, hostility, the murder of one of her pets, and the town's attempt to bully her into silence by ratcheting up the legal fees with the protracted fight.
And in other renews-my-faith-in-humanity news, the mayor of Ramah, CO has issued an apology to Secret Garden Coven on behalf of the town board, saying that the board had no business interfering with the coven's plans for a Samhain festival at the local American Legion hall. It's heartening also to read that some of the other board members and residents of the tiny town had no problem with the festival and thought that the town government shouldn't be involved in it, even though the local nutjob who was one of those fighting the festival the hardest is still trying her best to whip up anti-pagan furor in the area.
We need all the news like this that we can get, especially in light of bigots like this one who can't decide if gay conventions or Pagan Pride days are more responsible for Katrina. Oh, the choices!