For those of you worried about the effects of the Grand Theft Auto games, here's something a little more worth your concern:
Italian web designers taking bets on worldwide terror attacks
No, seriously, these dudes have set up a website where you go and bet on where the next terrorist attack will take place in the world, and how it will be done. They're claiming some sort of high-minded awareness-raising purpose for this little exercise, as though that negates the sheer callousness of raking in money from the cold calculation of the death and destruction of innocents.
I mean, holy crap. This sounds like a plot from South Park, not an actual endeavor. What kind of person could place a wager here, turn out to be right, collect their winnings, and not be consumed with self-loathing?
Seriously-- WTF??
Edit: Apparently the Pentagon already considered this idea back in 2003 and the plan was dropped after the PR backlash bitch-slapped it. Gee, ya think?