More tales from the "hope for the future" files...
The Journal Star out of Lincoln, Nebraska has a piece about some Catholic school kids, high schoolers, who chose as their Junior Achievement project to create and sell t-shirts that say "TOLERANCE" with the T, A, and C replaced by the cross, Star of David, and crescent respectively.
Why did they choose it?
James Lange, a senior, is the company’s financial officer.
“I just think it’s really important to recognize that even though there are all different religions and beliefs,” he said, “it’s really important to accept others for who they are and to just try to eliminate indifference by learning about other faiths.”
Although there have been some negative responses in the town, the reception has been on the whole overwhelmingly positive, and their initial run sold out. (They are re-ordering, though, and the article includes ordering information.)
I think it might be just as encouraging that people are enthusiastic about buying something that promotes a message of peace and tolerance, as it is that these kids wanted to promote that message. Considering that it seems like the only people getting any public airtime anymore are the most narrow-minded, bigoted, persecution-complexed, hateful and divisive elements, it's good to remember that there ARE a lot of decent, open-minded, and just generally groovy people in the world.
If the "Tolerance" tee is a bit too limited in scope for your religious tastes, here are some alternatives:
Peace from
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